anne niemetz | project archive
Guest lectures 2024:
Art Across Boundaries with Anne Niemetz, Wende Museum Los Angeles, May 31, 2024
Electronic Creations, Basel Academy of Art and Design, May 6, 2024

Anne offered a workshop at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd as part of the International Seminar week titled "From Conscious Listening to Soundscape Creation", May 2024.

Wake Up, 1-second video presented at the One-Off Moving Image Festival November 10 - 20, 2023 and The Wrong Biennale November 1, 2023 to March 1, 2024.

House Brooch - repurposed satellite dish, Nov 2022.

Premiere of Stealth Drones at the Art|Sci Gallery, CNSI, UCLA, December 5, 2019.